Wednesday, November 09, 2005

November 3rd late in the evening, I had to schedule this session late due to work once again. Tonight Karen wants to work on balance. Since I am still unable to get full weight bearing on my knee she had me standing with one leg in front of the other and my left leg (the bad one) being in back. She then wanted me to put as much weight on my back leg as possible and balance there. It was no challenge at all.

She then had me get on the bike for about a half hour and then work on a couple of other exercises. By the end of the work out the leg was feeling a lot more tired. She then had me try the balancing exercise. This time it was quite the challenge, for most of the time my leg had the quivers. It is still upsetting to see the difference in the size of my quad and calf compared to the right leg.


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