Thursday, September 01, 2005

I am making this post purely to torture my wife (does that make me a bad person?). My wife (and most of her family) can not drive in Boston. It is not like they are banned from doing it, they are just afraid to. Because of this I will be hitching a ride with my brother-in-law into town the morning of the surgery. The following afternoon Susan will be getting a ride in with her sister Jo (the only one brave enough to drive those mean streets) to pick me up at the hospital.

Now the fact that she will not be driving me into the hospital or picking me up without a driver really does not bother me at all. I am quite aware of who I’ll be going home to when the procedure is done. Despite the fact that it doesn’t bother me and I understand Sue’s fear of diving into town it still bothers her. So really, am I a bad person for torturing her?


Blogger (S)wine said...

what's the torture? i don't get it.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope. Torture of people afraid to drive in cities is always warranted. (Kidding. Sort of).

My mother, despite having grown up in the Bronx, is terrified of driving in Manhattan. She *did* overcome her phobia ONCE when I was having day surgery (I live in the city, but the hospital wouldn't release me to a cab; I needed to have someone with me), BUT, I had to take the train out to the 'burbs the night before so she wouldn't have to drive in by herself. (So, rather than hopping on the bus the next morning and being at the hospital in a few minutes, I had to travel for an hour just to drive back in in the morning). And, she only was able to do it because the hospital was RIGHT off the East River Drive; if she would have had to drive further east than First Ave., she could have done it.

I try to understand that it's a true phobia and, regardless of its being irrational, it's no different from my being irrationally afraid of dogs; no degree of assurance that the doggie is NICE is going to convince it's not going to bite my achilles tendon, and, likewise, no argument is going to convince her that driving in the city, with its easy grid pattern, is no big deal. Still, it's frustrating when you're talking about its affecting surgical plans.

Best of luck for your kknee surgery!

1:09 PM  
Blogger bentley92 said...


The torture is that she feels bad about the fact that she can not drive me into the hospital. By me bring it up as often as I do just ends up making her feel worse and tortures her. And yes, I guess that defines me as a bad person.


Thanks for the kind wishes!

2:21 PM  

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